Whiskey Aged in Tabasco Barrels Is the Grown-Up Version of Fireball

Tabasco isn't just a hot sauce—it's a pepper sauce aged in whiskey barrels. So why not turn the beat around and age whiskey in Tabasco barrels? It's almost too simple a premise.
The result, which rolls out nationwide this month, is George Dickel Tabasco Barrel Finish (or, more casually, "Hot Dickel"), a Tennessee whiskey that spends 30 days aging in a barrel that previously held Tabasco pepper mash. You can think of it simply as a pinky-up alternative to Fireball, but in truth, it's a lot more interesting.
Start with the Tabasco
Tabasco itself is made on Avery Island, Louisiana, and has been for 150 years. The peppers (called Tabascos, fittingly enough) are grown both on Avery Island and in pepper-friendly climes around the world; they get mashed down with salt, and then left to age in used whiskey barrels for three years.
Read Full Article Here - https://www.tastingtable.com/drinks/national/tabasco-infused-whiskey-hot-sauce?utm_source=partners&utm_medium=pubexchange_facebook&utm_campaign=liquor.com